Keep Your French Bulldog Active and Entertained: 7 Fun Games to Play Together

The importance of keeping your French Bulldog active

As a proud owner of a French Bulldog, you know how important it is to keep them active and entertained. French Bulldogs are known for their playful and energetic nature, and regular exercise is essential to maintain their physical and mental well-being. Not only does exercise help prevent obesity and other health issues, but it also strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend.

Regular physical activity helps to keep your French Bulldog’s weight in check, which is crucial for their overall health. Obesity in dogs can lead to a range of health problems, including joint issues, heart disease, and diabetes. By engaging in regular exercise, you can help your French Bulldog maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of these conditions.

Furthermore, exercise is essential for your French Bulldog’s mental stimulation. These intelligent dogs thrive on mental challenges and need activities that engage their minds. Without proper mental stimulation, French Bulldogs can become bored and develop destructive behaviors. Regular exercise and games provide an outlet for their energy and keep their minds sharp.

Benefits of playing games with your French Bulldog

Playing games with your French Bulldog is not only beneficial for their physical and mental health but also contributes to a stronger bond between you and your furry companion. When you engage in interactive play with your French Bulldog, you’re not only providing them with exercise but also showing them love and attention. This quality time spent together strengthens the bond and trust between you, making your French Bulldog feel loved and secure.

In addition to fostering a strong bond, playing games with your French Bulldog also helps them develop important social skills. Many of the games involve interaction and cooperation, which improves their ability to understand and respond to cues from you and other dogs. This socialization is crucial for their overall well-being, as it helps them become more confident and comfortable in various situations.

Moreover, playing games with your French Bulldog provides an opportunity for them to release any pent-up energy, making them calmer and more relaxed afterward. Regular exercise helps to reduce anxiety and stress in dogs, promoting a happier and healthier lifestyle. So, not only are you keeping your French Bulldog physically and mentally fit, but you’re also contributing to their emotional well-being.

Safety considerations when playing games with your French Bulldog

While playing games with your French Bulldog is a fun and rewarding experience, it’s important to prioritize safety to prevent any accidents or injuries. Here are some essential safety considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Choose games suitable for your French Bulldog’s age and physical abilities. Avoid games that require excessive jumping or strenuous activities that can strain their joints.
  2. Always provide a safe and secure environment for playing games. Remove any potential hazards, such as sharp objects, toxic plants, or small objects that your French Bulldog could swallow.
  3. Use appropriate toys and equipment for each game. Ensure that toys are the right size for your French Bulldog to prevent choking hazards. Avoid using toys with small parts that can be easily chewed off and swallowed.
  4. Stay vigilant during playtime. Observe your French Bulldog for any signs of exhaustion or discomfort. Take regular breaks to allow them to rest and hydrate.
  5. Avoid playing games in extreme weather conditions. French Bulldogs are sensitive to heat and can easily overheat. On the other hand, they are also prone to cold weather-related issues, so ensure they are adequately protected during winter playtime.

By following these safety considerations, you can create a safe and enjoyable environment for playing games with your French Bulldog.

Game 1: Hide and seek

Hide and seek is a classic game that can be adapted for your French Bulldog. Not only does it provide mental stimulation, but it also taps into their natural instincts to search and explore. Here’s how you can play hide and seek with your French Bulldog:

  1. Start by having your French Bulldog sit and stay in one room while you hide in another room or behind furniture.
  2. Once you’re hidden, call your French Bulldog’s name and encourage them to find you.
  3. When your French Bulldog finds you, reward them with praise and treats.
  4. Gradually increase the difficulty by hiding in more challenging spots or introducing distractions.
  5. Repeat the game, ensuring that each time you hide, your French Bulldog has a chance to find you.

Hide and seek is a fantastic game to play with your French Bulldog, as it keeps them mentally engaged and provides an opportunity for bonding.

Game 2: Fetch

Fetch is a classic game that most dogs, including French Bulldogs, thoroughly enjoy. It’s a great way to keep your French Bulldog physically active and mentally stimulated. Here’s how you can play fetch with your French Bulldog:

  1. Start by choosing an appropriate fetch toy. Make sure it’s a size that your French Bulldog can comfortably carry and play with.
  2. Begin in a secure, open area such as a backyard or a dog park.
  3. Show the toy to your French Bulldog and encourage them to grab it.
  4. Once they have the toy, throw it a short distance away and command your French Bulldog to “fetch” or “get it.”
  5. When your French Bulldog retrieves the toy, reward them with praise and a treat.
  6. Repeat the process, gradually increasing the distance of the throws as your French Bulldog becomes more comfortable.

Remember to always make the game enjoyable for your French Bulldog by keeping it positive and rewarding their efforts.

Game 3: Tug of war

Tug of war is a popular game that allows your French Bulldog to use their strength and engage in a friendly competition with you. However, it’s important to establish some ground rules to play this game safely and avoid any potential injuries. Here’s how you can play tug of war with your French Bulldog:

  1. Start by choosing a sturdy, dog-friendly rope or tug toy.
  2. Hold one end of the rope and encourage your French Bulldog to grab the other end.
  3. Begin gently tugging on the rope, allowing your French Bulldog to pull back.
  4. Use commands such as “tug” or “pull” to encourage your French Bulldog’s participation.
  5. Remember to let your French Bulldog win occasionally to keep the game fun and rewarding for them.
  6. End the game by giving your French Bulldog a command to release the toy and reward them with praise and a treat.

Tug of war is an excellent game to build your French Bulldog’s strength and provide an outlet for their energy. However, always monitor their behavior and stop the game if it becomes too intense or aggressive.

Game 4: Puzzle toys

Puzzle toys are a fantastic way to keep your French Bulldog mentally stimulated and entertained. These toys require your French Bulldog to solve a puzzle or complete a task to obtain a reward. Here’s how you can introduce puzzle toys to your French Bulldog:

  1. Start with a simple puzzle toy that has compartments or hidden treats.
  2. Show the toy to your French Bulldog and allow them to observe and investigate.
  3. Encourage your French Bulldog to interact with the puzzle toy by pawing, nudging, or pushing parts of it.
  4. When your French Bulldog successfully solves the puzzle and retrieves the treat, reward them with praise and additional treats.
  5. Gradually introduce more complex puzzle toys as your French Bulldog becomes more skilled.

Puzzle toys are not only mentally stimulating but also help prevent boredom and destructive behaviors. They provide a challenge for your French Bulldog to solve, keeping their minds sharp and engaged.

Game 5: Agility training

Agility training is an excellent way to keep your French Bulldog physically active and mentally stimulated. It involves navigating through a series of obstacles, such as tunnels, jumps, and weave poles. Here’s how you can introduce agility training to your French Bulldog:

  1. Start with basic agility equipment, such as tunnels and jumps.
  2. Begin by familiarizing your French Bulldog with each obstacle, allowing them to explore and sniff.
  3. Use treats and positive reinforcement to encourage your French Bulldog to navigate through the obstacles.
  4. Gradually increase the difficulty by adding more obstacles and challenging sequences.
  5. Remember to always prioritize your French Bulldog’s safety by using proper equipment and monitoring their movements.

Agility training not only provides physical exercise but also enhances your French Bulldog’s coordination, flexibility, and problem-solving skills. It’s a great way to challenge their abilities and strengthen the bond between you.

Game 6: Brain games

Brain games are an excellent way to engage your French Bulldog’s mind and provide mental stimulation. These games involve problem-solving and memory tasks that tap into your French Bulldog’s intelligence and curiosity. Here are a few brain games you can play with your French Bulldog:

  1. Shell Game: Place three cups upside down and hide a treat under one of them. Shuffle the cups and encourage your French Bulldog to find the treat.
  2. Treat Puzzle: Use a treat-dispensing toy or puzzle to challenge your French Bulldog’s problem-solving skills. They have to figure out how to access the treats hidden inside.
  3. Name Recognition: Teach your French Bulldog the names of their toys and ask them to bring a specific toy when commanded. This game enhances their memory and understanding of language cues.

Brain games are a fantastic way to keep your French Bulldog mentally sharp and entertained. They provide a challenge and require your French Bulldog to use their cognitive abilities.

Game 7: Water games

Many French Bulldogs enjoy water and can have a great time playing games in a pool, lake, or beach. Water games provide a refreshing and fun way to keep your French Bulldog cool during hot summer days. Here are a few water games you can play with your French Bulldog:

  1. Fetch in the water: Throw a floating toy into the water and encourage your French Bulldog to swim and retrieve it. This game not only provides exercise but also helps your French Bulldog build swimming skills.
  2. Sprinkler fun: Set up a sprinkler in your backyard and let your French Bulldog run and play in the water. This game is perfect for hot days and allows them to cool off while having a blast.
  3. Water hose chase: Use a water hose to create a stream of water and let your French Bulldog chase and play with it. This game provides entertainment and exercise simultaneously.

Always ensure the safety of your French Bulldog when playing water games. Monitor their energy levels and be cautious of any signs of exhaustion or distress.


Playing games with your French Bulldog is not only a great way to keep them physically active and mentally stimulated but also strengthens the bond between you and your furry companion. Whether it’s a game of hide and seek, fetch, or tug of war, each game provides unique benefits and contributes to your French Bulldog’s overall well-being. Remember to prioritize safety, provide a stimulating environment, and choose games suitable for your French Bulldog’s age and abilities. So, grab a toy and get ready to have a blast playing these 7 fun games with your French Bulldog!